Forums / Developer / Can not determin the name for the custom tag

Can not determin the name for the custom tag

Author Message

David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 1:29:40 am

While editing an XML box (via the sjsd editor) I have entered some XHTML code

<div id="shortCutPanel" class="image">
			<li class="greyPanel" >
				<a href="#" class="panel_child">
					<span class="title">Shortcut</span>
					<span class="desc">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin l ibero conse-ctetuer.</span>	

Howeverm when I click to send for publishing (or click to view the ezp code I get the error "Can not determin the name for the custom tag" followed by a message saying that the code I entered has been ignored.

What does this error mean? Can it be fixed so I can enter code snippits like this?

David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 2:05:30 am

I found sjsd.ini and added this code

StartTags[shortCutPanelImage]=div class="image" id="shortCutPanel"

I cleared cached and cleared the browser cache but it still will not allow me to enter

<div div class="image" id="shortCutPanel">test</div>

Is there somewhere else I need to register this or have I simply done it wrong?


David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 2:17:17 am

I've also added the following to content.ini.append


Still no joy.

What am I doing wrong?

David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 3:14:35 am

It seems that I can't put custom styles in via the editor. They display ok in the editor but when I send for publishing or view ezp source it crashes out with the custom tag error.

It wont even take things like <div class="left">

This is vital for my project. Please, is there a way to get this working?

Claudia Kosny

Thursday 05 October 2006 3:42:49 am

Hi David

I haven't done much with the XML editor so I might be totally wrong here, but I would try it roughly similar to the custom tags in the XML blocks.

According to this you would have to write:

<custom name="shortCutPanelImage">
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

If such editors would work the way I would want them to work I would use custom tags like this:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Again - I have not looked at the editor at all - these are just my two uneducated two cents.

I am pretty sure that there are some forum messages about this topic. Unfortunately forum search is down at the moment, so I cannot point you there.

Greetings from Luxembourg


David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 5:44:49 am

Thanks Claudia, I had decided to go down that route and ditch the SJSD extension.

I now have three questions in order of importance.

1. You can add attricbutes when you insert a custom tag. How do I access these in the templates I've define for the tag.

2. Can I default these attribute names for each custom class rather tahn having the create them each time.

3. CAn I apply a style sheet to the ezdhtml text box to make it appear as it will in the front end?

Thanks for you help

David Jones

Thursday 05 October 2006 6:01:10 am

For question 1 I've tried this

 <div id="shortCutPanel" class="lightGray">
		<li class="greyPanel">
				<a href="#" >
					<span class="title">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$content.title}</span>
				<span class="desc">{attribute_view_gui attribute=$content.text}</span>

But I'm guessing that $content is not what I need to use as it's notdisplaying anything.
