Monday 28 February 2005 1:40:13 am
The really simple way to do this right now is to create your own module/view. A small module is simple to add. If you have a look at any view you'll find code like the following at the end of the view.
$tpl =& templateInit();
$tpl->setVariable( 'login', $userLogin, 'User' );
$Result['content'] =& $tpl->fetch( 'design:user/login.tpl' )
The setup code is simple enough. The bit you are likely interested in is the fetch call. This invokes the template mechanism to pull in the right override. The value returned is just a string containing html for the browser to display. So, if you include your php files at this point the content field is populated. This helps to populate the template variable $module_result. In the above example the html is stored in $module_result.content. This is rendered in the pagelayout.tpl you are using. Still a template of course so you can either have a blank pagelayout.tpl with only a
call, or you can enter surrounding text which utilises other template features such as nodes and url_aliases, before including your 'content' as the body for the page. It all depends on your needs. If you do want to obtain other ez features from your own php then you have to utilise the api directly with your php. But at least at this point you have an entry point from which to work. Does this help? Paul