Forums / Developer / called a file with ajax
Alain Mangana
Friday 24 October 2008 2:25:28 am
I want to call a livre.tpl in a template from a ajax
{literal} <script type='text/javascript'> function go(){ var xhr = getXhr(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){ leselect = xhr.responseText; document.getElementById('book').innerHTML = leselect; } } {/literal} var perm = "{concat($current_user.role_id_list|implode(','),'|',$current_user.limited_assignment_value_list|implode(','))|md5}"; var lien = "{"content/livre"|ezurl(no)}?&perm=" + perm; {literal}"GET",lien ,true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); sel = document.getElementById('auteur'); idauteur = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; xhr.send("idAuteur="+idauteur); } </script> {/literal}
in return I want to have nothing but the contents of the file without the structure of the page pagelayout.who can help me /
Yannick Komotir
Friday 24 October 2008 2:58:40 am
see this post
<|- Software Engineer @ eZ Publish developpers -|> @
John Moritz
Friday 24 October 2008 10:46:59 am
Do you realy want to call the .tpl file directly, or do you want to get the output from the php file of your template/module?
You can replace the Template output like $tpl->fetch("design:module/your-template.tpl"); with: eZExecution::cleanExit(); Just replace it....doneThis means that you get the clean output of the php script of your module.