Forums / Developer / Bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Author Message


Monday 14 June 2004 11:46:17 pm

I've installed v. 3.4(the latest stable) with the corporate design, and have problems with the templates. Let me give an easy example:

I edit
/design/base/override/templates/line/folder.tpl and

The line view of folders is showing "View list". These files mentioned above are the only two files which contains "View list" sentence. I change both files and put a x behind "View listx", save the files, and clear the cache through ./bin/shell/ --clear-all a couple of times, and also through the admin-interface. I changed both these files, to be sure that I edited the right override file, BUT when I view the site, the sentence is still: "View list" and NOT "View listx".

I'm totally confused. Are there bug in the caching system, or am I doing something wrong?

Jan Borsodi

Tuesday 22 June 2004 1:33:31 am

There shouldn't be any need to remove the var/cache directory manually.

I tried the following.
- Installed Corporate package (3.4.0) using the setup wizard
- Accessed the site and created a subfolder (to get the "View list")
- Modified the <i>design/corporate/override/templates/line/folder.tpl</i> file added an x to the "View list" line
- Cleared all caches with <i>bin/shell/ --clear-all</i>, refreshed the page and the changes was present.
- Modified the line/folder.tpl file again and added a new x.
- Compiled all templates using the template compiler
- Cleared the content cache with <i>bin/shell/</i>, refreshed the page and the changes was present.

What could cause this problems is one of:
- Permissions, when running --clear-all are all files removed from var/?
- PHP version, which version is used?
- Accelerator, is there an accelerator in use? It could be that it doesn't notice the updated files.

