Forums / Developer / Bootstrapping ezPublish

Bootstrapping ezPublish

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Ben Wong

Tuesday 28 February 2006 10:56:59 am


I'm building a fairly large project in eZPublish (evaluating it right now), and was wondering if it was possible to script a bootstrap for eZpub from an unconfigured state to a working/customized installation.

My main objectives are:

1. Take a clean distribution
2. dynamically create my custom classes
3. dynamically create alias URLs
4. Posting/importing default content, about us, our glossary, etc into the system

I would like to do this so I don't have to manually create everything. Would I have to dive deep into the eZpub code to figure out where the functionality lives, and do it manually? Or is there some sort of mechanism for it already?

Even if I could accomplish #1, that would be a big step forward. I'm building on a dev server, and when I move everything to a production server, I would like to have a quick script I can run that will bring the system up to a working state.


Gabriel Ambuehl

Tuesday 28 February 2006 12:18:32 pm

The package functionality (in the Setup tab) can do some of those things for you.

At the very least content classes, objects and templates. Not sure about aliases.


Ben Wong

Tuesday 28 February 2006 4:48:37 pm

Thanks well look into the Package feature.