Forums / Developer / Attempting to use a <link> tag surrounding an <embed> tag with no luck

Attempting to use a <link> tag surrounding an <embed> tag with no luck

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Duffy Walsh

Tuesday 03 November 2009 8:05:46 am

I found a post that there is a possibly similar issue with trying to use the <p> tag within a table cell.

However in my case, I have embedded an image into a table cell and am attempting to use it as a link. This works fine in the admin. However on the live site the link tags are stripped away.

Here is the code that is failing:

<td colspan="2" rowspan="1">
<link href="">

<embed size="original" align="left" href="ezobject://324" />




The link works fine in the admin, however on the live site, the <a> tags are stipped away.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Duffy Walsh

Duffy Walsh

Tuesday 03 November 2009 4:09:53 pm

The nested tags are:

++ embed.tpl

+++ image.tpl

++++ ezimage.tpl

However the link tag is being stripped out. not in the admin, just on the site. I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

Duffy Walsh

Duffy Walsh

Tuesday 03 November 2009 5:57:16 pm

Well, I figured out a hack that works...

I added a little space after the embedded image, that was encapsulated by the link tags. I also tested to see that it wasn't a conflict between the <td> and the <link> tag. I assumed the <link> tag would appear before the embed, as that is where it is in the admin when you disable the editor.

Given that the hack of adding space between the <embed> tag (for the image) and the close </link> tag, I'm assuming there is something in the configuration of the end_user siteaccess that strips out <link> or <a href> tags that don't surround some sort of charachter space as opposed to the image, since as mentioned previously in the ticket, the link and embed fucntionality are both working in the admin siteaccess.

I'll post back here if I find out what actually happened, and would greatly appreciate any suggestions, but as I am behind right now, I'm opting to go with the hack as a quick fix.

Duffy Walsh