Forums / Developer / Associative arrays not working?

Associative arrays not working?

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Oliver Frommel

Thursday 07 August 2008 6:49:11 am


yesterday I tried to extend the Collected information Export extension ( to export the ezoption datatype. In that course I discovered some strange behaviour where I could not reference an associative array as I thought I could.

class eZOptionHandler extends BaseHandler{
       function exportAttribute(&$attribute, $seperationChar) {
             echo $array['DataInt'];

that last statement never produced any output, whereas var_dump($attribute) shows:

object(ezinformationcollectionattribute)(10) {
  string(5) "15178"
  string(5) "11191"
  string(4) "1005"
  &string(6) "172424"
  &string(5) "20112"
  string(0) ""
  string(1) "3"
  string(1) "0"

I have worked around that problem by iterating over the keys of the structure:

foreach ($attribute as $key => $value) {
      if ($key == 'DataInt') {
           $option_value = $value;

I remember somewhere in the back of my mind to have read something about variables/datatypes getting "loaded" from the db only "on demand". Otherwise I have no idea what is going on here. Can anonye explain?


André R.

Thursday 07 August 2008 7:00:48 am

From the var_dump ypu can see that this is a object of type eZInformationCollectionAttribute, not a array.

The clean way to get the variable would be (this is supported by all classes that are meant to be used inside a template):

$dataInt = $attribute->attribute('data_int');

Or the regular way:

$dataInt = $attribute->DataInt;

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Oliver Frommel

Thursday 07 August 2008 8:36:29 am

This is great, thanks.

Maybe you can also explain how I get the description of the options that are found in the content object instance belonging to the information collection? The only thing I could find was a text attribute filled with an XML fragment like this:

                // <ezoption>
                // <name>company_size</name>
                // <options>
                //    <option id="0"
                //           additional_price="0">0-10</option>
                //   <option id="1"
                //          additional_price="0">10-20</option>
                //     <option id="2"
                //          additional_price="0">20-30</option>
                //    <option id="3"
                //            additional_price="0">30-40</option>
                //   </options>
                // </ezoption>

I was able to parse it but it is a bit cumbersome. I thought there was a way just looking the description up via an (associative) array?


André R.

Thursday 07 August 2008 9:13:55 am

Some template code for selection attribute that might help:

{def $portion_array            = $node.data_map.portions_type.content
     $portion_type             = ''}
{foreach $node.data_map.portions_type.class_content.options as $option}
    {if $portion_array|contains( $option.identifier )}{set $portion_type = $|wash(xhtml)}{/if}

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