Forums / Developer / Assign section to top node

Assign section to top node

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Tuesday 06 January 2004 2:38:54 am

My top node /content/view/full/2 has the wrong section. How can I assign a new section to this node(object), without getting a recursive assigning? ..I only want the node id 2 to get this section.

Balazs Halasy

Tuesday 06 January 2004 3:06:25 am

If I'm not mistaken, section information is stored at the object level. Usually, it is object number 1 that belongs to node ID 2. I believe that you could simply alter the section assignment for this object in the ezcontentobject table within the database. Try this at your own risk - preferably on a test-site (not a live site).



Wednesday 07 January 2004 1:37:50 am

Ok. I'll check it out in the db. Hoped it was possible in the admin-interface but.. :(

Tnx Balazs