Forums / Developer / approval circuit, lost the locations of objects!

approval circuit, lost the locations of objects!

Author Message

Lucas Aguilar

Friday 08 April 2011 4:45:28 am

The version of eZpublish I use is 4.0.1. I have implemented a portal circuit approval for publication. The issue is that when refused (refusal) for the first time a content, it has never lost or location in the tree and the system asks me to assign one.
how I can fix this so do not miss the starting location of the object created.

from already thank you very much
Lucas .-

Lucas Aguilar

Monday 11 April 2011 8:23:54 am

Anyone please?
I applied ezapprove2 extension and this does not work correctly, like I do not endorse the content when I press "approve" any help?

Lucas Aguilar

Wednesday 13 April 2011 5:00:57 am


in the file, attribute_edit.php:

// If there are no locations we need to browse for one.
if( $locationCount < 1 && $Module->isCurrentAction( 'Publish' ) )
* Modificando: aca le voy a asignar el nodo al objeto si lo encuentro en la tabla
* eznode_assignment, pasos:
* 1) obtener el nodo original de la tabla eznode_assignment

include_once 'kernel/classes/eznodeassignment.php';
$obj_eznode_assignment = & eZNodeAssignment::fetchForObject($object->ID);
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';
//si tiene un nodo asignado en la eznode_assignment
if (count($obj_eznode_assignment) > 0) {
//2) instanciar el ezcontenttree
$obj_eZContentObjectTreeNode = & eZContentObjectTreeNode::create($obj_eznode_assignment->ParentNode,$object->ID);
//echo '<pre>';
//echo '</pre>';

//guardo la ubicacion en la base de datos

* hace lo que hacia antes
// if ( $object->attribute( 'status' ) == eZContentObject::STATUS_DRAFT )
$Module->setCurrentAction( 'BrowseForPrimaryNodes' );
// Store currentAction
$http->setSessionVariable( 'LastCurrentAction', 'Publish' );
// Store post vars
$http->setSessionVariable( 'BrowseForNodes_POST', $_POST );