Forums / Developer / Application logic: How do to "invitation" and "enrollment" for a fair?

Application logic: How do to "invitation" and "enrollment" for a fair?

Author Message

Marco Zinn

Tuesday 14 October 2003 7:58:31 am

Hi folks,
maybe someone has done this already and can save us some hours:
For an up-coming event (a fair), we'd like to invite our customers and give them the opportunity to enroll (tell us, that they want to attend the fair)... all in ezP 3, of course ;)
Good news: We can assume, that all of the persons, that we need to invite, have an existing role in ezP3, so we have their emails etc.

How can we do a kind-of "Invitation mailing" (newsletter) with ezP 3.2 (or 3.3)
...and more interessting:
How should we do the enrollment? An information collector would be one thing... but -as far as I understand- the data is "only" sent per email, not stored in the DB.
So, maybe we'd like to have the user log in and create an "enrollment document" (object of a class "enrollment"). So, we have all data in the DB and can eventually export them to Excel or so (or create a "CSV" template and copy/paster the data).

Any idea/comment/solution on that topic is appreciated ;)



Wednesday 15 October 2003 1:06:10 am

Let them subscribe as a new user and edit the user object or create a new one

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