Forums / Developer / Another SiteURL question

Another SiteURL question

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Hardy Pottinger

Wednesday 09 June 2004 11:59:13 am

I'm setting up subversion (SVN) to track our ezpublish-based projects, and am slowly working towards the best way to do this (based on a few postings to the forums, and my own experiments).

In order to support multiple version of the same site (each developer will have their own working copy), I think I can get away with just adding each site's URL to HostMatchMapItems in settings/override/site.ini.append.php:


And then I seem to be able to just delete SiteURL from settings/siteaccess/SITE/site.ini.apppend and settings/siteaccess/SITE_admin/site.ini.apppend

<b>Here's my question. While this seems to be working at the moment, is there any reason I shouldn't do things this way?</b>

I plan to use the same database on the development server for all the developers, as well as the test/staging site.

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 09 June 2004 12:16:39 pm

This is very similar to the way we work. We also have SVN as our back end repository and set up developer matches in the site.ini to stop the file from needing to change too often.

Do your developers have a local db too? We find this useful <b>during</b> development, to test things, to break things etc. Though the l/p for the db user should be the same. When the transition to the live box occurs this needs to change.

We also find this tool useful for viewing the svn repository:



Hardy Pottinger

Wednesday 09 June 2004 12:55:52 pm

> Do your developers have a local db too?

They can, but for now, we're going to stick with everyone using the same development database, until we need to have seperate databases. That will let us all kind of work from the same content, and may provide an impetus to communicate ("what's this object of yours? it sounds interesting..." etc.)

If you have seperate databases, do you make any effort at periodically syncing them together?

Paul Forsyth

Wednesday 09 June 2004 1:00:31 pm

Absolutely. We do sync regularly and maintain the notion of who has the live db. Having local the db is just a test bed while things become sorted. The live db can be accessed and added to by anyone, then exported out again. Not long into a project this stabilises and only content is added to the live db.

I should stress we haven't scaled this process but it works for the people we have.



Hardy Pottinger

Wednesday 09 June 2004 1:47:55 pm

> Absolutely. We do sync regularly

Say, if you have this scripted, and it's not too much to ask, can you post your script?

Actually, I think it would be really great if we could get a pile of everyone's automation scripts for working with version management systems.