Thursday 29 January 2004 12:04:17 pm
Although an experienced developer in jsp and html I'm new to PHP and ezpublish. I apologise that this is a very basic question but I'm still getting to grips with where ez stops and php starts. What I want to do is test to see if a dataitem is populated or not, and if it is display some html
in other words, is a sort of 'jsp/php/ezpublish mixup language ' I'd do something like this
<% if( !node.object.data_map.body.equals("")) {
/* body is present, display it */
<TD>Here is the body</TD>
<td>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.body}</td>
</tr> <% }; %> As you can see from the example above, I want to eliminate rows in my table to save space. In the 'real' example there may be more than one row to omit, eg. I might have a blank row for spacing or an <HR> tag ull if node.object.data_map.body is populated then include html such as a table row