Forums / Developer / Ahhhh ezoe 5.1.0 is driving me crazy

Ahhhh ezoe 5.1.0 is driving me crazy

Author Message

Softriva .com

Thursday 29 July 2010 7:51:50 am


I am getting Disable editor button when editing content, and the text 'advanced.block' where the editor should be.

My .htaccess is

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^LiveSearchSiteAuth\.xml - [L]
RewriteRule ^robots\.txt - [L]
RewriteRule ^crm* - [L]

RewriteRule content/treemenu/? index_treemenu.php
RewriteRule ^index_treemenu\.php - [L]
RewriteRule ^design/standard/images/favicon\.ico - [L]
RewriteRule ^var/[^/]+/cache/(texttoimage|public)/.* - [L]
RewriteRule !(\.(gif|jpe?g?|png|css|js|swf|html?)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf)$ index.php

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

I really don't know what is wrong. The same .htaccess is used on other site in the same server and works ok.

How can I troubleshoot the issue?


Softriva .com

Friday 30 July 2010 12:45:20 am

I solved the problem but I still don't know what was it.

All what I did is I did an upgrade from 4.3.0 to 4.3.0 and everything worked ok.

Thank you