Forums / Developer / Advanced search

Advanced search

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Roberto Donato

Tuesday 10 November 2009 4:40:23 am

Hello everyone,
about a week I'm studying ez publish.
I would like to create a basic site with static content and news.
I made override to manage the page news.
I wish could run an advanced search for the only news in the page.
How can you do?
in the override tpl (folder_news.tpl) I added this code before the list news:

<form method="get" action={????}>

<label> Text
<input type="text" id="nome" name="SearchText" value=""/>

<label> Date published
<input type="text" id="date" name="SearchDate" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Cerca &gt;">

I do not know how to invoke the same page doing the research.
Can you help?
Thank you very much
