Forums / Developer / Advanced search OR

Advanced search OR

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Julien Plesniak

Wednesday 18 July 2007 2:34:46 am

for beginning, sorry for my english.

I want to do an advanced search with OR condition.

Example: If i search "word letter", i want to return all the results who contains "word" OR "letter". Is it possible in ez-publish 3.9.2? or how modify the search engine to do that?

I think there is one personn which do that.

Thanks for help

André R.

Wednesday 18 July 2007 5:04:47 am

The included search engine does not support OR search, and it is not very easy to implement as far as I have seen.
The simplest solution would be to look into the the alternative search engines. You currently have Lucene, and soon ( within a month ) Solr will be added as a alternative.

But most search engines will use AND search as default search anyway, just so you know.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Julien Plesniak

Wednesday 18 July 2007 5:26:52 am


thanks for your answer. I try to modify the search engine but it is very difficult. I try to install Lucene today, i hope that works :)


Julien Plesniak

Wednesday 18 July 2007 9:07:15 am

I have a question before installing this plugin.

I want to do a search with or condition but like this:

I have a textbox which search on the attribute "Name" (if we write "word letter", i want to return all the results who contains "word" OR "letter")

BUT i want to have an another textbox with search on the attribute "Color" (with the same research)

An example that i want:

(Name = word OR name = letter) AND ( color="blue OR color="white")

It is possible with this plugin?
