Forums / Developer / Activation of ezfind, ezwebin, ezflow...?

Activation of ezfind, ezwebin, ezflow...?

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H-Works Agency

Thursday 31 December 2009 5:14:25 am

Hello everyone,

Why ezfind, ezflow, ezwebin can't be enabled on a per siteaccess basis ? This is a big problem in a ezpublish multi-website environnement from ezp version 4.0.

In fact the "documentation" says it has to be enabled in "override/site.ini".

The basic idea of ezpublish regarding settings is to be able to dispatch each setting at the siteaccess level. No setting should only be enabled in "override/site.ini" for exemple or there is a design error somewhere.

More globally the debug system really lack a setting & design "override" module which would display loading orders. The "override" concept is the basis of ezpublish and is not addressed anywhere.

Would be more than helpful to have a little module which would respond to those questions :

- For each setting, template, javascript, css, image files : what is the loading order.

- For a given variable : in which file this variable is present and in which file is the last override.

EZP is Great

Patrick Kaiser

Thursday 31 December 2009 10:48:14 am

Of course you can enable extensions on a siteaccess basis. To do so use the following configuration directive in the site.ini.append.php of the respective siteaccess:


Best regards,


Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 01 February 2010 7:02:19 am

Hi Martin,

Did Patrick's answer help you out ? I was also a bit surprised by your assertion, did you confirm this ?
Per your other points, i can only fully agree with you. Would be more than helpful to have a proper debugging system for the many override systems in eZ Publish.

Let us know,

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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H-Works Agency

Tuesday 02 February 2010 7:20:25 am

Thank you patrick it works !

EZP is Great