Wednesday 09 April 2003 10:18:29 am
Hi, How could I use other PHP scripts with eZPublish?? I'm building this huge portal, and I need to implement some other scripts to eZ somehow... ie. My own PHP/MySql scripts. And right now we use some ready opensource scripts in our project, so how can I use them inside eZPublish? Please help me somehow... I should already be building this site, but still have some doubts on few things. So if anyone in the community has already implemented some scripts to eZ I would love to know which and how... Actually, if someone even would give me a hint how to do this kind of things I would be very happy ... And what is this file ezphpcreator.php in eZPublish? What's its purpose? And do I have to write all the add-on scripts to modules to eZ for them to work? P.S. I'm using eZ 3.0.1
Thanks, Jerry