Directory / Companies / xrow GmbH

xrow GmbH

xrow GmbH

Am Lindener Berge 22

30449 Hannover


bjoern @

Phone: +49 (511) 473915400

  • Gold Partner

xrow GmbH, Germany

xrow's main perspective is to deliver value added services for professional and high quality open source software. Due to the amazing evolution of eZ Publish they decided to concentrate strengths for this solution.

They have a certain energy, a noticeable enthusiasm for what they do. They know how to build strong working relationships with clients, too. And they provide objective guidance and readily share information to empower our clients to lead.

Alliances That Lead To Better Answers
Of course, they do not do this alone. To develop best-in-class solutions, xrow forms alliances with market-leading companies.

These are more than merely marketing agreements. These relationships are an investment in the joint development of solutions to serve their clients' special business needs.

The resources of their alliance partners, combined with their experience in business systems strategy and implementation, make their alliance a valuable resource for clients.

Enterprise Solutions

  • Translation manager

An extension to integrate professional translation processes and translators into eZ Publish. Trados integration.

  • MSSQL Database Extension

An eZ Publish Database driver for Microsoft SQL Server 2008

  • xrow ecommerce

An open source ecommerce solution based upon eZ Publish technology and fully integrated for enterprises. This extension has many more features than the default eZ Publish shop.

The xrow GmbH had its day of foundation on the 1st of January 2003 in Hannover, Germany.


  • Consulting
  • Integration & Software development
  • 1st and 2nd level support
  • Hosting & Infrastructure

Services for Hosting & Infrastructure can be found on a dedicated eZ Publish hosting website .

Recent projects and customer comments can be reviewed in their showcase.

xrow is dedicated to the core of the communtiy of eZ Publish. Björn Dieding is one of the co-author's of the first eZ Publish book

As of today xrow has released most lines of open source code apart from eZ Systems to the eZ Ecosystem.

xrow GmbH references (13)


FREECPD Network -

Atkin Research and Development: The FREECPD project

xrow's Role:
Managed and deployed complete solution from architecture to development to maintenance.

Atkin Research and Development, a firm specialized in providing professional services to the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) sector.

FREECPD is a unique concept in providing FREE access to sources of continuous/continuing professional development (CPD) for all professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sector. FREECPDs worldwide network of 20 regional websites offers high-quality information and knowledge to support continuing professional development (CPD) for FREE. Users can gain access to a rich database of articles, news, events, jobs, books, reports and low-cost, high-value services to help them in their work and career development.

Technical Achievements:
Development of a powerful content syndication mechanism for eZ publish. Key features include the ability to syndicate individual objects or trees of objects, and workflows to allow selective filtering of syndicated content.
An extension, called eZ SVN, that allows simultaneous upgrade of multiple installations of eZ publish. xrow now uses this extension to manage all of their eZ publish installations.

Customer's comment:
When we needed to expand our operations worldwide, we looked to xrow to provide us with the technology platform we needed. Our requirement for up-to-date content and an evolving design concept meant that we had a precise specification. xrow was able to take this specification and apply the skills that have enabled us to create this worldwide network. We are very satisfied with the performance of xrow in this work.
Brian Atkin, Director of FREECPD Ltd.

Read more about FREECPD at

Vicost -

Role of eZ partner xrow GbR
Developed application from client's conceptual model. Provided training to help client maintain and further customize application. Provided consulting as required to support client's activities.

iTK IT Kötter GmbH, a engineering firm that specializes in optimizing vehicle production processes.

The Vicost project provides financial controllers at the DaimlerChrysler facility in Bremen with a graphical analysis tool, built in eZ publish, for data retrieved from the facilty's SAP system.

Technical Achievements
Developed process to smoothly import millions of rows of data exported from SAP. xrow managed performance and storage concerns by careful design of the installation's content structure and caching strategies.
Implemented MSSQL Server support for eZ publish -previously, eZ publish only supported MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL RDBMS.
Keller Verlag

Keller Verlag -

Die xrow GmbH betreut das Portal für den Keller Verlag.

Über den Keller Verlag:

Als Verleger zahlreicher Telekommunikationsverzeichnisse (Gelbe Seiten, DasTelefonbuch, Das Örtliche) und einer Reihe von Fachpublikationen für die Musik- und Medienbranche hat sich die 1948 gegründete Josef Keller GmbH & Co. Verlags-KG einen Namen gemacht. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in Berg am Starnberger See, München und Erfurt.

Über Musikmarkt:

Seit mehr als 50 Jahren ist Musikmarkt DAS Fachmagazin für die Musikbranche - renommiert und anerkannt in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz und zahlreichen weiteren Ländern. Es gilt als unverzichtbar für alle, die sich professionell oder aus persönlichen Interesse mit Musik und der Musikwirtschaft beschäftigen: sei es mit der Tonträger- oder Live-Branche, mit Online-Plattformen oder Musikverlagen, mit Künstlermanagement oder Booking-Agenturen oder mit Fragen zum Copyright und Urheberrecht.
Madsack Online

Madsack Online -

The publishing company Madsack is a german Media Group. The company is present in all types of Media. The core business are regional daily newspapers in nothern Germany.

Currently over 10 regional newspapers are served by eZ Publish.
Werben & Verkaufen

Werben & Verkaufen -

Werben & Verkaufen (W&V) is the number 1 in specialized press for the communitcation business measured after runs and reach. Therefore it represents the leading medium for the communication and advertising business in germany. The site is fully enabled by eZ Publish and eZ Flow and meets the requirements of a modern portal of today and tomorrow.
Kaiser Systeme

Kaiser Systeme -

Kaiser Systeme is a european dealer for all products around rack systems. Their website is a key strategy for their business in growing future revenue with existing and new customers.

This shop ist based on the xrowecommerce extension.
Kaiser Systeme

Kaiser Systeme -

Kaiser Systeme is a european dealer for all products around rack systems. Their website is a key strategy for their business in growing future revenue with existing and new customers.

This shop ist based on the xrowecommerce extension.
Mutual Hardware Corp

Mutual Hardware Corp -

Mutual Hardware supplies the entertainment industry since 1935. They make extensice use of eZ Publish ecommerce functionality including many customizations for their B2B shop.
Heine Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG.

Heine Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG. -

Throughout 60 years HEINE has developed one of the best global distribution networks of Partners and Subsidiaries reaching virtually every medical specialty in over 110 countries around the world.

It is through the support of distribution partners that HEINE has been able to grow to become one of the world´s largest exporters of hand-held, primary diagnostic instruments.
JA-Gastechnology GmbH

JA-Gastechnology GmbH -

JA-Gastechnology is the turn key specialist for span gas supply systems and automized gas management systems in the automotive sector.

Thier internet site will inform you about our technology and products in connection with calibrationgassystems for low emission measurement in the automotive R+D area.
Mobotix AG

Mobotix AG -

Mobotix develops and manufactures IP/ISDN network cameras for user-friendly
video surveillance and web cam solutions for IP networks. Mobotix is pioneering IP video surveillance and is the market leader for network camera technology. The company, established in 1999, operates at a global scale using qualified distributors and
retail partners.

The website was provided by offical eZ publish partner xrow GbR. All content was translated by xrow translation manager solution.

Alcone -

Alcone Company started in 1950 as a pharmacy that also sold cosmetics and false eyelashes to Broadway showgirls and starlettes.

Their philosophy then is still the same today "find the best makeup products from around the world and offer them at affordable prices so everyone (not just the rich and fabulous) will benefit. Just one look at our consumer data lets you know they are still following thier philosophy today" everyday housewifes listed alongside famous actresses, models, tv personalities and socialites!
Risknowlogy B.V.

Risknowlogy B.V. -

Risknowlogy was established with experience in risk, reliability, and safety. They focus on our core business and select partners to ensure we have the best skills, tools and knowledge on offer today.

This site was implemented by eZ publish partner xrow.

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 14 2025 22:20:06
Script start
Timing: Jan 14 2025 22:20:06
Module start 'content'
Warning: PHP: E_DEPRECATED Jan 14 2025 22:20:06
Creation of dynamic property eZCommunityRegistrationStructures::$OperatorNames is deprecated in /home/ze/public_html/ on line 65
Timing: Jan 14 2025 22:20:06
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 14 2025 22:20:06
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime0.3323 sec
Peak memory usage6,144.0000 KB
Database Queries269

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0063 683.8281214.8047
Module start 'content' 0.00630.1935 898.63282,553.2891
Module end 'content' 0.19970.1325 3,451.9219593.9063
Script end 0.3323  4,045.8281 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00712.1270220.0003
Check MTime0.00150.4624220.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00060.170310.0006
Looping result0.00220.65472640.0000
Template Total0.303791.420.1518
Template load0.00441.315020.0022
Template processing0.299390.056420.1496
Template load and register function0.00110.333110.0011
Cache load0.00411.2276480.0001
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00170.5042150.0001
Fetch class attribute name0.00260.7739160.0002
Image XML parsing0.01424.2746150.0009
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.0070170.0000
String conversion0.00000.002130.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

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Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs