Directory / Companies / Novitell AB

Novitell AB

Novitell AB

Box 3021 380 52 Timmernabben


Phone: +46 499 213 90

  • Community Partner

Novitell AB , Sweden

Novitell AB is a swedish company, dedicated to deliver more IT-solutions to lower costs.
We are devoted to open source solutions and specialized in developing Internet and intranet sites with eZ Publish.

Novitell AB references (44)

Norba AB -

Norba is one of Europe´s leading manufacturers of equipment for the handling of refuse and recycling materials. Norba is part of Geesink Norba Group within the Oshkosh Truck Corporation. Geesink Norba Group is consisting of the brands Geesink, Norba and Kiggen.
The site is created by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB and built with eZ publish 3.

Municipality of Aneby -

The website of the swedish municipality of Aneby.
The site is produced by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB and built with eZ publish 3.

Baltic Balance -

This is a site for a project partly financed by the European Union. The project is focusing on rural-urban cooperation.
The site is built by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB and contains a lot of information regarding the Baltic sea region. Among the functions in the website, there is a calendar and a public document archive.

HöglandsEnergi AB -

Site of a company delivering electricity in Sweden.
The site is developed by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB.

Nässjö Affärsverk AB -

Site of a municipality-owned swedish company providing services to the inhabitants of the municipality of Nässjö. The services span from power-delivery to water- and garbage handling.
The site is developed by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB.

ACE consulting -

ACE Energikonsult AB in Sweden supply customers requirements for real estate automation, installation and consulting. The website uses the CMS eZ publish and is developed by Novitell AB (

Nabbens Rökeri & Fisk -

Nabbens Rökeri & Fisk has a fish shop and catering in Timmernabben, Sweden. The website is built by Novitell AB (

Kalmar Verkstadskompetens AB -

Kalmar Verkstadskompetens AB is a company in Kalmar, Sweden and provides a great assembeler knowledge and experiences from buy-in and production technology. The site is developed by Novitell AB (, a swedish eZ partner.

Algotsson Eventing -

A website for the sisters Linda and Sara Algotsson, celebrate swedish horse-riders in eventing. The site is developed and sponsored by Novitell AB.

Cancerstiftelsen i Kalmar län -

A cancer trust fund in the county of Kalmar, Sweden. News and information are easily published on the website with the CMS eZ Publish. The site is built by the swedish partner Novitell AB (

Handla i Kalmar -

A shopping guide for the city of Kalmar. Thanks to a powerful search engine in eZ publish it is easy for visitors to find out which shop sells certain brands and whereabout a service is provided. The website is developed by Novitell AB.

Kylteknik i Kalmar AB -

Kylteknik i Kalmar AB works with consulting, projection, installation and service of all types of coolant and heat pumps, and equipment for large-scale catering establishment. The website was build by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB and uses eZ publish.

Konga Mekaniska Verkstad AB -

Konga Mekaniska Verkstad AB is a major swedish manufacturer of products for the Scandinavian materials handling industry. The product database is integraded in the CMS eZ publish which makes products easier to find, manage and update.

Middagskorgen -

Middagskorgen, a company in Kalmar, Sweden delivers grocery bags with food each week to subscribers in order to make the day less stressful for families. The website is developed by Novitell AB and uses eZ publish to manage subscribers.

Mats Strömberg Bil AB -

Mats Strömberg Bil AB is one of the most well-established automobile dealer in Kalmar, Sweden. The new website is easy to administrate and was built by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB.

Kalmar Science Park -

Kalmar Science Park is comprised of some sixty companies and organisations in the city of Kalmar, Sweden. The website uses the CMS eZ publish and was built by Novitell AB.

IUC in Kalmar -

Industrial education center for commercial and industrial life in the swedish county of Kalmar. News and information are easily published on the website with the CMS eZ Publish.

The Collage of Höglandet -

The collage of Höglandet is a website containing information about courses of all the collages in the swedish municipalities of Aneby, Eksjö, Nässjö, Sävsjö and Vetlanda. The website was built by Novitell AB.

Brinellgymnasiet -

An upper secondary school in Nässjö, Sweden. The website was built by Novitell AB and uses eZ publish 3.9.

Tourist office of Eksjö -

A tourist website for the information bureau in the swedish municipality of Eksjö. The website built by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB focus on a stylish design and an easy navigated structure.

Upper secondary school of Eksjö -

An upper secondary school in Eksjö, Sweden. The website was built by Novitell AB and contains visual presentations of the school such as a video gallery and an image gallery.

Municipality of Eksjö -

The website of the swedish municipality of Eksjö built by the swedish eZ Partner Novitell AB. The site featues a lot of useful tools for the inhabitants of Eksjö and follows the standards for Swedish public administrations. For example, possible adjustments for visually handicapped.


MSM AB is a company focused on the manufacturing of shafts for the vehicle industry. The website was made by the swedish partner Novitell AB.

Ölands Försäkringsbolag -

A website for a local insurance company in Sweden. The site was built by the swedish partner Novitell AB.

Kalmar Tågkompetens AB -

Kalmar Tågkompetens is a company in Kalmar, Sweden, providing services to the railway industry, The site was built by the swedish partner Novitell AB.

Kompetensutveckling Kalmar -

A website built upon the initiative of bringing education to the people. Kompetensutveckling Kalmar makes sure there are opportunities for qualified education in the vicinity of Kalmar, Sweden.

Höglandet -

A site of the five municipalities Nässjö, Aneby, Sävsjö, Eksjö and Vetlanda in Sweden, working together.
The site featues the opportunity to see available jobs in the region from a database being updated automatically.
It also presents the opportunities for accomodation in the region as well as existing educations and events.

Höglandets Turism -

A tourism website of the five swedish municipalities Nässjö, Eksjö, Vetlanda, Sävsjö and Aneby, promoting "The highlands of Sweden".
The site is multi-language, and features a webshop for printed tourism information, such as books about Sweden.

Metaplan -

A dynamic website for a swedish consultant company. The site is built by the partner Novitell AB, and features a small webshop.

Municipality of Nässjö -

The website of the swedish municipality of Nässjö. The site is produced by the swedish eZ partner Novitell AB and built with eZ publish 3.
In addition, Novitell AB has also developed an intranet for the municipality.

Timmernabbens Båtsällskap -

A boat-club in the southeast Sweden. The site is built, and sponsored, by the swedish partner Novitell AB.

LR-Installation AB -

A website built by the swedish partner Novitell AB, for a Kalmar-based technical service company.

Nyheterna -

A local newspaper site for the newspaper "Nyheterna", based in Oskarshamn, Sweden.
The site was developed by the partner Novitell AB, and features an automatic xml-import of news from the QuarkXpress desktop publishing environment every night.
Also the site contains blogs, forums, an epaper-solution and streaming video.

Östran -

Local newspaper site in the swedish town Kalmar, built by the swedish partner Novitell AB.
The site automatically imports all articles from the QuarkXpress desktop publishing environment each night.
The solution also includes for example blogs, an epaper-solution and forums.
In addition, the site is intregrated with an OpenAds solution, for banner advertisement handling.

SPR Info AB -

This is an e-commerce site for the swedish company SPR Info AB, providing information material for florists and gardeners.
There are among 4 000 different products in the database, which is both browsable and searchable. The site was developed by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB (

ACE Energi & Klimat AB -

This is the website of a swedish company providing services regarding ventilation and property maintenance. It was developed by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB ( with eZ publish 3.

Unitus AB -

This is the website for Unitus AB, a swedish consultant company in the business of information management. The site has been developed with eZ publish 3, by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB (

Ålems Sparbank -

This is a full featured website for the local bank Ålems Sparbank in the south east part of Sweden.
The website, developed by the eZ business partner Novitell AB (, features a lot of great functionalities like a contacts database, random image presentations, timebased articles and a great design with a local profile.

Conservator AB -

This is the website of a swedish company working with decontamination and urban renewal. The company is located in Kalmar, Sweden. The site has been developed with eZ publish 3, by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB.

Sydsvenska Elanläggningar SSE AB -

This is the website of a swedish company working with electrical installations. It was developed by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB.
In addition to the website, the company also uses eZ publish 3 for its intranet services.

Kalmarsalen -

Kalmarsalen is a major organiser of conserts and congresses in Kalmar, Sweden. This website is focused on marketing the facilities available in Kalmar. It was developed by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB.

Bokagruppen -

A site developed for the bookkeeping company Bokagruppen in Kalmar, Sweden, developed by the swedish eZ business partner Novitell AB.

Mönsterås Bostäder AB -

This website was developed by Novitell AB, Sweden for the real estate company Mönsterås Bostäder AB.

University of Kalmar, Fojo -

The swedish eZ partner, Novitell AB, has developed a full-featured website for the university of Kalmar, and the institute för journalism (Fojo).
The website features a course-module, making it easy and effective to handle courses. Also, there is UTF-8 support, for international journalism students attending the courses.


eZ debug

Timing: Feb 16 2025 10:27:08
Script start
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Time accumulators:

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Ini load
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Mysql Total
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Sytem overhead
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