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Novactive 5 Rue du Bourg l'Abbé 75003 Paris


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Phone: +33(1)48243360

  • Platinum Partner

Novactive, France

Novactive is a web agency specialized in Internet / Intranet website creation using Open Source Technology. With 13 years of experience and good human values, we are able to deal with complex and high level websites requiring quality and quick reactivity. Web design as well as technical integration are our expertise fields.

Novactive references (30)

Hammerson -

Hammerson France is a British company which manages major malls, including Italie2, Bercy2, Espace St Quentin, O’Parinor, 3 Fontaines, Place des Halles, Villebon2 and Grand Maine.

- In 2010, Hammerson France chose eZ Publish for the remodeling of its Shopping centers’ sites, and had elected Novactive as its copartner for this major project. Thus, Novactive which has also directed the design and the sites’ content, has deployed an eZ Publish 4.3 platform as well as 8 Site-Access for each shopping center.

- In parallel with this complete overhaul, our agency is implementing a dedicated team, providing content editing, regular Webmastering, and performing many traffic development operations (e-mailings, contests, SMS, and more)

EMI music -

EMI music, one of the leading music labels in France, has chosen to focus on the web. This strategy concerns all the artists of the label.

Novactive has been developing the artists’ websites and modernizing its eZ Publish multisite platform since 2009.


Hammerson -

Hammerson has been operating in France for over 20 years. With a dedicated local team of around 100 people, the division pursues a similar strategy to the UK. It focuses on creating value through the active management and development of major regional shopping centres and offices in Paris CBD.

Hammerson has been deploying 8 sites on the eZ Publish content platform, the main focus being of course to attract prospects to their shopping centers.

Groupe OSEO -

Public institution in charge of assisting SMEs (guarantee, co-financing and innovation), OSEO has seen its mission’s importance increase with the crisis. Created in 2005 by Novactive, corporate website has constantly evolved since 5 years to reflect this growing importance within the French economic area. In this context, Novactive overhauled both the front-office of the website in 2009 (integrating new graphics from a design agency), and its technical architecture at the beginning of 2010 (migration from eZ Publish 3.9 to 4.3).

Objectif Carrière -

Run by the OPCA Fafiec, the new webzine “Objectif Carrière” offers extensive information on professional training and regionalized content. News articles and topics more in depth are illustrated by a large number of multimedia documents (sound/video podcasts). Contribution features, sharing tools for Twitter, Facebook and Viadeo, and a complete newsletter module are also available. A specific and dedicated back-office, allows the OPCA’s regional offices to administrate local events and seminars registrations.

Institut d’Optique -

In order to assert its professional and innovative positioning, the French engineering Institut d’Optique Graduate School has chosen Novactive for the creation of its new website.
Students, researchers and professionals can find relevant information in that field on a modern and attractive website.Novactive took the project in charge from design to development, following a very tight schedule.

OSEO Excellence -

The OSEO community website is designed for the 1000 best and more promising companies of its client portfolio. Because of the demanding and highly sought target, the website had to be a reference as a social network, equipped with a powerful search tool (eZ Find extension), electronic mail service, contribution, forums, monthly poll, on the fly video converting…

Intranet of Mairie de Bobigny - restricted access

Actively involved to communicate and interact via the Internet with its citizens, the town of Bobigny offers a modern and convivial website for its staff. Built on the eZFlow extension, the intranet is entirely manageable by the communication office. Internal information is dynamically accessible with some specific functionalities such as an online calendar and a telephone directory.
Accessibility and W3C conformity have particularly been taken into account. -

The Fédération Hospitalière de France (FHF) is the editor of the project This website provides generic information on the hospital environment and is visited by more than 250 000 unique visitors per month. As a certified eZ Publish partner, Novactive has been chosen for the technical recasting of the website : creation of a new video section, a medical encyclopedia, a complete newsletter module, etc. - www.

Developed on the same basis as the website, is a generic information portal intended for advising and assisting the general public.

The Fédération Hospitalière de France (FHF) chose Novactive for the technical development of the corresponding eZ Publish siteaccess.


The French road industry union (USIRF), federates manufacturers and agencies of the road industry. Novactive had developed their first website in 2003, and has been chosen again in 2009 to graphically and technically recast it. As their priority was to administer the content independently and to chose a flexible and evolutionary solution, Novactive recommended eZ Publish

Ajidoo -

Aimed at markets in North Africa / Middle East, the site specialised in price comparison on and offline, and web promotional offers referencing.

Developed in eZ Publish by Novactive, the website allows consumers to compare products’ prices amongst 20 reference supermarket chains, but also the characteristics of products in a similar category. Among the other features available : a supermarket chains’ directory, shopping guides, compared shopping carts...

Les Reporters de l'eau -

The "Syndicat des Eaux d’Ile-De-France" (SEDIF) communicates to schools and parents tosensibilise children / increase children awareness about the sustainable development and the protection of water. The communication agency Junium and Novactive joined to implement a big contest, with online contribution for primary school classes of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.The website offers educational files, quiz, and a collaborative workspace for the competing classes.

Campus du Plateau de Saclay -

The website introduces the project supported by 23 actors (among them : the CEA, the CNRS,the INRA, the Polytechnique elite engineering university and the HEC). Their ambition is toposition the Saclay's Campus among the first world places of higher education and research. Implemented in two steps (simple HTML pages first, and then a content manageable version with eZ Publish), the website is aimed at researchers, citizens, economic actors andjournalists. It includes in particular a documentary space and a complete Newsletter module.

Opticsvalley -

Based on the plateau of Saclay, the Opticsvalley association federates and represents innovative companies in the fields of Optics, Laser and Electronics. The new website offers an advanced calendar, a complete Newsletter module, an extranet dedicated to the members of the association with an additional information level, a video library, a restricted documentary space, etc.

Portail Régional de l’Innovation en Alsace -

This portal, edited by regional Council of Alsace is aimed to promote and support innovation and innovative companies in this aera.
The Website offers practical informations, news, contacts, online services and guidelines to young companies and entreprisers . Several advanced functionnalities were developped, such as Search engines, user directories, dynamics imports of contents from external sources (XML) etc.

Portail Régional de l’Innovation en Limousin -

LISE (Limousin Informations Services Entreprises) is the organisation that represents both the fundings and services to companies provided by the Conseil Régional de la Région Limousin.
Using eZ Publish, Novactive has developed this portal to offer a global access to several websites dedicated to regional information and services.

Portail Uniformation -

Uniformation is a fund-raising organisation for professional training (OPCA) in the social economy sector. The new website designed and developped by Novactive is aimed at employees, employers, professional training providers, Uniformation members, institutions, etc. The content is organised according to the main targets and globally offers thorough information on professional training.
In 2 to 3 steps, a « navigation assistant » guides the users towards the content they are looking for : professional training contracts and fundings, membership procedure, news, forms... A wide range of functionnalities and forms were developped for this large website.

Portail Régional de l’Innovation en Franche-Comté -

This portal, edited by Regional Council of Franche-Comté, is aimed to promote and support innovation and innovative companies in this area.
The Website offers practical informations, news, contacts, online services and guidelines to young companies and entreprisers . Several advanced functionnalities were developped, such as Search engines, user directories, dynamics imports of contents from external sources (XML) etc.

Courrier Picard -

The Courrier Picard, one of the main regional newspaper in North of France, has chosen the web as a strategic developement vector. Novactive has provided technical / architectural advice, and developed the website and its advanced functionalities : block and advertising management, agenda, automatic content purges and imports from the Web (AFP news, RelaxNews) or the printed edition (editorials, breaking news, cartoons, picture librairies), etc.

Médiateur du Crédit aux entreprises -

This website has been developed to relay the « Médiation du crédit aux entreprises » initiative. It is aimed at connecting captains of industry, artisans, shopkeepers and professionnals with Mediator’s teams to solve their funds and cash flow problems. This website was created in 2 weeks only thanks to eZpublish CMS flexibility.

Plan de relance de l’économie française -

This website edited by OSEO is devoted to the communication about the France economic plan launched by the Government in December 2008. This Website was conceived and developped in less than 3 weeks, proving the fast deployment capacity of eZpublish CMS.

CEA - Site de la DSM -

Novactive used eZ publish to develop a multilingual website for the Direction des Sciences de la Matière (DSM) of the Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique (CEA). This communication tool is both dedicated to worldwide scientists and the general public.The website presents the researches of the DSM and their impact on the global research organisation (regionally, nationally and internationally), as well as its technological offer and industrial policy. It also gives access to multimedia documents such as videos, and allows to register for DSM events and share opinions (surveys).

Webzine FAFIEC -

The Fafiec editorial website offers a large range of articles and multimedia documents (podcasts / videos) on professionnal training.It also manages the registration to meetings and local events thanks to a specific back-office dedicated to regional branches of the OPCA.

Mon OSEO -

Mon OSEO is the new CRM project implemented by OSEO.
This website allows any subscriber to set up once for all his / her profile in order to benefit from a single sign-on access to several OSEO extranets and services in eZpublish.
This service synchronizes the eZpublish users of each online OSEO service in real time.
It provides different tools : bookmarks management, e-mails and contacts reminders, Newsletters and e-mail alerts subscription, etc. Novactive has designed and developed this project, and has supervised its global implementation by OSEO’s eZpublish providers.

LISE Portal -

LISE (Limousin Informations Services Entreprises) is the the organisation that represents both the fundings and services to companies provided by the Conseil Général de la Région Limousin.
Using eZpublish, Novactive has developed this portal to offer a global access to several websites dedicated to regional information and services.

Altavia Inside -

The Altavia Group, implanted in 13 countries in Europe and Asia, is specialised in commercial communication (marketing and publishing services).
Altavia chose eZpublish to create a multilingual Intranet (9 languages) aimed at coordinating and organising its several entities around the world.
Novactive has assisted the group during the finalisation phase and the deployment of the Intranet in 2007.
The Altavia Intranet offers several interactive features to his many contributors such as : forums, FAQ, personal space, virtual USB Flash Drive, RSS, document sharing, photo galleries, etc.

Oseo Corporate Website -

The new OSEO website, published in April 2007, looks more like an advanced corporate website than a simple information portal.
Novactive designed the website architecture and the graphic guidelines, and developed the website. For this new version, Novactive took the opportunity to upgrade eZpublish from the 3.6.1 to the 3.9.0 version, and created different scripts to export and import XML contents.
Several modules were also conceived with eZpublish for OSEO.

Graines de Boss -

Implemented for an advertising space-broker with specialisation in the educational world, Graines de Boss is a leading website aimed at the student community. Launched as a part of a national contest sponsored by the Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Graines de Boss offers personalized blogs, forums, galleries and powerful messaging tools. The database stores more than 3000 universities, high schools, schools and campuses. eZpublish was pushed to the limit in order to offer several online collaborative functionnalities to thousands subscribers.

OSEO - Portail Web -

Oseo, le groupe issu de la fusion de l'Anvar et de la BDPME, a confié à Novactive la mission de développer son portail de services aux PME et Créateurs d'entreprise. Construit en moins de 6 mois, ce site intègre de nombreuses fonctionnalités bénéficiant des atouts d'eZpublish, tels que le multipositionnement des contenus,des Workflows complets, la régionalisation des actualités etc... Novactive enrichi ce site depuis 2005 avec de nombreux modules, extranets et fonctionnalités sous eZpublish pour Oseo.


eZ debug

Timing: Feb 16 2025 11:29:48
Script start
Timing: Feb 16 2025 11:29:48
Module start 'content'
Timing: Feb 16 2025 11:29:48
Module end 'content'
Timing: Feb 16 2025 11:29:48
Script end

Main resources:

Total runtime0.1323 sec
Peak memory usage4,096.0000 KB
Database Queries141

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0063 590.3359180.8359
Module start 'content' 0.00630.0055 771.1719142.7109
Module end 'content' 0.01180.1202 913.8828593.3438
Script end 0.1320  1,507.2266 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00473.5333200.0002
Check MTime0.00201.5478200.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00100.722610.0010
Looping result0.00100.71951390.0000
Template Total0.119990.610.1199
Template load0.00100.740010.0010
Template processing0.118989.897410.1189
Cache load0.00070.500310.0007
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00070.502710.0007
Image XML parsing0.00020.182910.0002
String conversion0.00000.003830.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

CSS/JS files loaded with "ezjscPacker" during request:


Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 1
 Number of unique templates used: 1

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs