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Av. Kim IL Sung

353 Maputo


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  • Silver Partner, Mozambique, Lda, was founded at the end of the year 2000, it is based in Maputo, Mozambique.

Our services include Consulting, Development of Web Applications, Intranets and Extranets, Design and Maintenance of Websites, Web Marketing and Graphic Design.

We are leading the Mozambican market on Web applications, focusing on Open Source Software. Our solutions include design, implementation, hosting, maintenance and marketing advising. is the first eZ Publish partner in Africa. references (34)


Art -

This website promotes Mozambican art. It is joint project between PoDE, Ministry of Education and Culture, sponsored by World Bank, NORAD, DFID and European Union.
Beautiful handmade art crafts are available on the website, as well as artists profiles, galleries and art importers and exporters.


INP Instituto Nacional de Petróleo is the Regulatory Authority for petroleum exploration and production in Mozambique.
The website provides the history of petroleum exploration, hydrocarbon potential and occurrences, gas and condensate production, and current bids.

Physical -

Physical is a gym in Maputo where everything is about health and well-being.
A colorful website provides information about services, events, programs and activities.
Vodacom Mozambique

Vodacom Mozambique -

Vodacom Mozambique is the second Mobile Communication company in Mozambique. It is part of the Vodacom Group also present in South Africa, Tanzania, Lesotho and Congo.

Available in Portuguese and English Vodacom website presents promotions, products, coverage map, and distribution channels.


TÉCNICA - ENGENHEIROS CONSULTORES, LTD, in short TEC, is a consultant company working in Water and Environment, Roads and Bridges and Energy in addition to Building.
The website is available in Portuguese and English and it presents information about the company, services and projects.
Austral Bank Member of Absa

Austral Bank Member of Absa -

Twice privatized by the government the Austral Bank is owned by the Absa Group.
The website is the first presence of this bank on the Internet and it presents daily exchange rates, products, services and corporate news.
An approval workflow was implemented in order to have a dual approve system for publishing any content on the website, a bank requirement.
Matola Industrial Park

Matola Industrial Park -

Matola Industrial Park provides space for small and medium industries to do business providing all necessary facilities.
The park is managed by Imovisa part of the Visabeira Group.
Escopil International

Escopil International -

Escopil International is a private company that provides maintenance services to the industry. It is one of the SME providing services to Mozal (Mozambique Aluminum).
The website presents generic information about the company and its products and services.
Maputo Portuguese School

Maputo Portuguese School -

The website of Maputo Portuguese School and Education Center and Portuguese Language is constituted by a school, a training center and a resource center.

The website provides information about timetables, courses, activities and publications.


Children rights network is a civil society iniciative supported by UNICEF.
The website gather documents, reports, policies related to children rights.
It is developed using eZ publish 4.1

Hidroelécrica de Cahora Bassa -

HCB (Hydroelectric of Cahora Bassa) is the largest company in Mozambique.
The new website was part of the new corporate identity and marked the first anniversary of its reversion.
Belgian Development Cooperation

Belgian Development Cooperation -

The Belgian Cooperation supports programs and projects in Mozambique through various channels.
The objective of the website is to provide partners, government and public information about those projects and scholarships.


The was the company responsible for creating the website that shows its products, services and financial information of CPC (Cooperativa de Poupança e Crédito).
Banco Terra

Banco Terra -

Banco Terra is a commercial bank, which began operating in 2008, with a special focus on the rural areas. It does not directly engage in Micro Finance lending.
Banco Terra shareholders are Rabobank, KfW, Norfund and GAPI.

United Nations Mozambique - developed for the UN Mozambique a website that provides information about all UN agencies.
To accomodate UN editorial requirements, several metadata attributes were added to most of the eZ publish content classes.


Website Development for the Project “Supporting citizen Access to Justice”
This project involves the Government of Mozambique and the programs from the UNDP and the European Commission delegation in Mozambique, which aims to support the Democracy and Governance, including Human Rights as its priorities.

Telcabo -

Telcabo is a Mozambican company with national and international experience dedicated on supplying services and products for the electricity and telecommunications business.
Universidade Politécnica

Universidade Politécnica -

In coodination with the Polytechnic University, developed the University Corporate Portal.
Providing students, lectures and visitors information about the courses and university projects
Barclays Mozambique

Barclays Mozambique -

The Group Barclays acquire Absa Bank and the Austral Bank became Barclays Mozambique. This change leads to a change of the corporate identity. devolped a new website to follow Barclays corporate identity requirements.


CISM is a health investigation center, born from a bilateral corporation between Mozambique and Spain.
Developed by, this website presents a sober design, supported by the green colour of the logo.
The content is available in three languages Portuguese English, and Spanish.
CISM is developing a clinical trial to test the vaccine against malaria.
This clinical test carried out in Mozambique is the largest to be conducted so far in Africa and benefits from economic support from the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Prince of Asturias Prize 2008 was granted to the CISM, one of the organizations that leads in Africa the fight against malaria.
EMOSE - Mozambique Insurance Company

EMOSE - Mozambique Insurance Company -

Emose is a public company, the oldest Insurance Company in Mozambique.
The website provides corporate information. is also responsible for the maintenance and hosting of the website.
Mozambique official Tourism Portal

Mozambique official Tourism Portal - Http://

Tourism is a strategic sector in Mozambique. The Tourism Ministry chose to develop the Official Tourism Portal for Mozambique.
The result is an hybrid Portal containg information about the Ministry, investment, touristic destinies and agents, targeting potencial tourists, government employees, tourism agents, investor, and others.
From the potencial tourist perspective, the Portal offers information about culture and history, places to visit, where to stay and eat.
From the Ministry employees perspective it is an extranet providing a database of travel agencies, tour operators, hotels, restaurants and related services. Tourism agents can easily liase with the Ministry throught the available services.
Agents and other businesses can also advertise their services in the Portal
UNDP Mozambique

UNDP Mozambique - Http://

Based on United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) standards for Country Offices, developed the UNDP Mozambique, which makes available all content locally produced like reports, studies and projects in the country.

Mozambican Airlines -

LAM - Mozambican Airlines is the oldest airline in Mozambique, its previous corporative portal was based on eZ publish 2.x, developed by
The new portal, also developed by, is based on eZ publish 3.8 and it provides online booking system, which is integrated with a backoffice application for management of Flights schedule and fares.
LAM frequent flyers (flamingo club) can access their miles online and update their information.
Southern African Media Training Trust (NSJ)

Southern African Media Training Trust (NSJ) -

Based in Mozambique, the Southern African Media Training Trust (NSJ), provides mid-career training for journalists and media managers in the Southern Africa region.
Among others, the website allows online subscriptions for the courses.
The website was developed by
NSJ Intranet

NSJ Intranet -

NSJ is Southern Africa's most important regional mid-career training institution for journalists and media managers.
Key features on the intranet, for NSJ, is document management, since they had the need to share information among employees and track changes.
The intranet was developed by
Girassol Hotels

Girassol Hotels -

Girassol Hotels are part of the Visabeira Group and are present in several Provinces in the South and North of Mozambique.
Developed by, the site provides information about the hostels, apart-hotels, restaurants, and facilities of the hotels.


The Southern Africa Regional Network against Trafficking and Abuse of Children (SANTAC) was funded in partnership with the Mozambican Foundation for Community Development (FDC) and Terre des hommes of Germany (TDH).
SANTAC has emerged from different initiatives of SADC's civil society to join efforts and work together at national, regional and international level against all manifestations of trafficking and abuse of children in Southern Africa.

TVCABO Angola -

TVCABO Angola share a partner with TVCABO Mozambique: Visabeira Group.
Therefore, their first requirement to was to have the same graphic layout as TVCABO Mozambique ( although the products and services are not the same.
This site is the first site developed by in the Southern Africa region besides Mozambique.
TVCABO Mozambique

TVCABO Mozambique -

This is the institutional Portal for the Cable TV and the main broadband provider in Mozambique with about 15 thousand clients.
This Portal is a redesign of an eZ publish 2.2 website also developed by
Questionnaires and inquiries are one of the functionalities available.


Website of the Health Ministry in Mozambique. It provides information about the Ministry, it�s departments and activities, as well as tenders, events and health information. For restrited users, a publications database and contacts database are available.
For this project first designed the strategic plan for the website including definition of information flows for updating the website, and afterwards, developed the website.
Mozambique linkages

Mozambique linkages -

Mozambique linkages is a collaboration between Big Companies (like Mozal- in Mozambique and development agency partners, The Centre for Promotion of Investment (CPI), the World Bank's International Finance Corporation (IFC) and PodeCAT.
The Mozlink extranet main objective is sharing knowledge between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the big companies by providing a SME database where companies can publish their profile including financial data and contracts. This private information is available to big companies; general public can only see contact details.
Among other content the site provides business opportunities and business information.

Milano -

Milano is one of the famous male stores in Maputo. The website presents products catalogue and information about the company.
Imovisa Real Estate Extranet

Imovisa Real Estate Extranet -

Imovisa is part of the Visabeira Group and it provides real estate services. in this project developed an extension to eZ publish to map all sell, buy and rent property processes. Visitors can search and submit properties to sell, buy or rent and Imovisa's personal can register clients' visits to properties, match properties against clients' requirements and vice-versa.
The extranet also allows visitors to request maintenance and cleaning services for their properties
