Directory / Companies / Luc Chase

Luc Chase


16 Edison Road


N8 8AE.

United Kingdom

luc @

Phone: +447939 00 29 32

  • Silver Partner

Luc Chase, United Kingdom

Business systems analysis and process design services over a twenty year period, including data architecture, technical architecture, technical strategic consultancy.

Luc Chase references (1)


ePSIplus -

Towards the 2008 Review of the Directive on Public Sector Information (PSI) Re-use

ePSIplus is a Thematic Network, funded by the eContentplus programme, to support the implementation of the European Directive on Public Sector Information (PSI) Re-use, in the period leading up to its review in 2008.

The ePSIplus portal provides access to a wide range of knowledge emerging in this field, across all EU member states, of key interest to public and private sector stakeholders, together with an opportunity to engage in debate on key issues.

In this way, ePSIplus is setting out to provide a one-stop shop for key information on PSI re-use across Europe including news, reports, legal cases, good practices and benchmarking on the progress of legislation by means of our country scorecard, all searchable by thematic area, country and free text terms.

The ePSIplus Network is a community rich in knowledge, experience and motivation. This community includes organisations and individuals who are stakeholders from every European country in PSI re-use, from the public and private sector. This group participates in ePSIplus discussions, receives news and participates in ePSIplus expert meetings.

The Network also involves 25 European national representative organisations and a number of European Associations participating in promoting the Network and offering local insights and knowledge.

The Network co-ordinating team is responsible for planning, development and co-ordination activities and includes expert analysts with a focus on specific ePSIplus themes.

Register on the site (top right hand corner of web pages) to receive the regular ePSIplus newsletter, as well as to access site facilities such as new content notifications for news items as they are posted. Registration also provides access to interactive dialogue on PSI issues via the ePSIplus forum.

The information on the portal is freely available for browsing, downloading and re-use, unless otherwise stated.
