Tutorials & articles written by Derick Rethans

The Tree component and Yahoo! User Interface integration

With the 2007.2 release of eZ Components comes a new component: Tree. This component enables you to create, manipulate and query tree structures in many ways. In addition to its basic functionality, the component also enables you to render the tree structure in different ways, with different visualizers. In this article, we will render output from an XML tree definition in order to create a nice menu using the Yahoo! User Interface library.

Read the full article on the dedicated eZ Components site

An Introduction to eZ Components

This article provides a glimpse into the usage of the eZ Components for PHP 5. They are object oriented and reusable building blocks which will speed up development and deployment of enterprise applications based on PHP 5.

Reference Issues

PHP 4.3 has some problems with returning by reference, where memory corruptions might occur. PHP 4.4 fixes those problems, and raises notices whenever you do something wrong. This article attempts to point out some of the problems that you might encounter.

Multiple Apache Installations HOWTO

In this short article I will explain how to set-up two versions of Apache/PHP on one system.