Tutorials & articles written by Brookins Consulting

How to Use eZ Publish Extensions: Google Analytics

When using eZ Publish as a platform to build websites, organizations can make use of the Google Analytics service, an advanced website statistics application that provides detailed information about visitor activities.

Installing an eZ Publish Payment Gateway

Many customers, developers and small businesses use eZ Publish as a platform to build enterprise e-commerce solutions. eZ Publish's Webshop module enables websites to offer items for sale. Accepting customer payments (by credit card, cheque, PayPal and other forms) using payment transaction approval services during checkout presents a unique problem. Brookins Consulting has created a custom extension called eZ Authorize, licensed under the GPL, that we are happy to share with the eZ Publish community. In this tutorial we will teach you how to use the Authorize.Net extension eZ Authorize. This process requires the configuration of extensions, workflows and triggers.