Blogs / team / Help code an extension for

Help code an extension for

Monday 30 May 2011 12:08:25 pm

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By : Robin Muilwijk

The Share Team is looking for help from the community to create an Event extension based on Are you interested?


If you have some time available, and know your way around eZ Publish and it's codebase, you are more than welcome to help us code an extension to show events that we list on on our own portal.


We have full functional specifications and a wireframe ready. And you would be working with at least one other team member of the Share Team. What are you getting back? Some fun working with our team, you might learn some more ins and outs of eZ and it's code, and we have no problem giving you partial credit for the extension of course. It is our intention to share the extension to the community on


If you are interested, drop a comment here, or e-mail me at robinDOTmuilwijkATgmailDOTcom. Just refer to this post and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


Regards, the Share Team