Blogs / team / 2011 May 30th - Meeting minutes

2011 May 30th - Meeting minutes

Thursday 02 June 2011 11:29:33 am

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By : Robin Muilwijk

After a successful upgrade of our portal, our focus is now on building an Event extension interfacing with Read more in our bi-weekly meeting minutes.

Date : 2011, May 30th.
Participants : Robin, Graham, Alex
Where : Skype
Previous meeting minutes


Prior action points : status + evolution 

1/ Participation model around the Community Project 

It is published :

Skipped during the meeting, only some pages need tweaking to remove duplicate content. Briefly mentioned, any feedback from the team is welcome.

2/ upgrade 

Upgrade has been performed successful. eZUpgrade does not support 04.2011 yet, but Graham thinks we might be able to upgrade to 4.5 without the use of this extension. We wait with deciding on the upgrade path so others can chime in on this also. Graham does mention that it should be fairly easy to do it manually, so we might want to decide next meeting, or somewhere in between to start preparations on this. Robin will ask other members on the mailing list if they have time to do this. Alex also has no problem with the manual method.

Note, upgrade path to follow:


3/ Other points

Event planner

Actions still stand :

  • Synchronisation with Gilles : does he have resources on his side ?
  • Gilles has started setting up a local instance, he needs a new DB dump (Nicolas?)
  • (Robin) Opening for participation to the community : someone might be willing to develop along

Prioritized next steps

  1. Event planner
  2. Share/Projects Upgrade to 4.5
  3. Participation Model (final tweaks)
  4. Job Board
  5. Clean-up/revamp of

Next time

Monday, June 13th, 20:00pm GMT+1 (Paris time)

Side note :

Engineering needs your feedback! See
The eZ Conference schedule and speakers are almost final.
And for some fun and all ins and outs, listen to the eZ Future podcast at

Blog Post Discussion

2011 May 9th - Meeting minutes