Blogs / team / 2010 sept 14th - Meeting minutes

2010 sept 14th - Meeting minutes

Thursday 23 September 2010 5:56:03 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

Hot on the heels of the previous meeting, here is what happened on second meeting of September. Read on !

Date : 2010, sept. 14th.
Participants : Paul, Robin, Thiago, Zurgutt, Nicolas, Piotr, Jérôme
Where : skype


Prior action points : status


1. Migrating the old contribs section People helping : Robin for semi-manual triage / Jérôme for writing the import script based on sqliimport.


Topics overflown from last time

  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4
  • Simple process for team-reviewing tutorial proposals
  • Moving translation process to using GIT
  • Access to Documentation : how to improve ? Need a discussion on “licensing” as well (see ezpedia)
  • : needs love and safeguarding

Topics addressed during the meeting


Simple process for team-reviewing tutorial proposals


Robin : drop a tutorial on the ML, and then use Openoffice version management for adding remarks. Form a team of at least 2 persons, one being knowledgeable technically, the other one language-wise. The formed team is then creating a thread directly in touch with the initial author, and iterating.


Zurgutt : have a dedicated section on, private to reviewers, attach a forum to each tutorial proposal and use it to review. After 3 (or so) approvals, publish the tutorial. Tutorial review forum thread perms should be easy by giving "create" right and using "owner" limiter to give access to contributor.. just a thought


Jérôme : using eZ Teamroom would be ideal here.


Robin's proposal can be implemented right-away. Zurgutt's and/or Jérôme's ideas should come as logical enhancements, as soon as the team has some capacity to implement it. : needs love and safeguarding


1st step : migration on’s server Paul : keep nightly generations of the API doc. Nicolas : SVN mirror of the git repository. This is available natively on github. Zurgutt : Would be nice to be able to comment on an API doc page for instance.


Prioritized next steps

  1. Migrating the old contribs section : finish
  2. Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).

Agenda for next time ( 28/09 20:30 GMT +2 / CET )

  1. Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).
  2. Upgrading to eZ 4.4

Blog Post Discussion

2010 sept 14th - Meeting minutes