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The upgrade story

Monday 06 December 2010 7:10:29 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

As announced here, is now running eZ Publish Fuji (4.4). Here is the small story, read on !


Evolution for the better

Our forge was running a fine-tuned version of eZ Publish 4.0.1, slightly tweaked to make it rock. It had been launched 3 years ago, under the impulse of eZ, and built mostly by Kristof. Running on the evolution treadmill, all eZ Community platforms are kept up-to-date with the latest version of eZ Publish, when powered by it. After, it will be's turn.

Having modern, updated platforms, on top of substantial performance improvements, allows for more possible enhancements, and this will apply to as soon at the share team launches the project of revamping it. The solid, updated base is now in place, running smoothly after a 12h intense upgrade procedure, encompassing kernel upgrade (thanks to eZUpgrade ! ), all extensions, and some clean-up (mostly transforming the few hacks into proper kernel overrides). It was brilliantly prepared by Carlos and Graham, actively supported by the team. Kristof also helped by upgrading the ezssp extension (see latest revision). I ran the process live on Nov 30th, and finished fixing the last, small things this morning.

On top of giving the possibility to more easily add nice features on the platform, running Fuji will help, once will be running Fuji too, getting both platforms closer to each other. Having be the main entry gate for our community is the underlying idea.


How to report bugs related to this upgrade ?

As every move on a live platform, this upgrade may have caused some unforeseen harm, so far uncovered. Should you stumble upon a dysfunctional feature, please let us know by filing an issue there : . Please pick, when editing the issue, the right-column component named "upgrade to 4.4 (from Dec 1st, 2010)", under "" (unfold the components structure). And of course, as when reporting issues concerning eZ Publish (, give us details :)


What's next ?

The has a full plate of things to do to improve the community's platforms, as described in our last meeting minutes. As you know, feel free to engage us with questions or ideas. This can go through sending an email to community [at], or posting comments under the meeting minutes, or catching us on Twitter ! The central one is @ezcommunity, and searching for #ezpublish or #ezcommunity is a good way to spot our beloved twitter addicts :)

Cheers !

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The upgrade story