Blogs / team / OpenSearch and Google Sitemap Additions

OpenSearch and Google Sitemap Additions

Sunday 17 January 2010 11:54:40 pm

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By : Brookins Consulting

Hello eZ Ecosystem!

I am delighted to announce that the first features, resulting of our common work is now available for you to use!

The first feature is our OpenSearch integration (simple version).

It materializes when you browse on and click the drop-down arrow of your browser's search field, you are now proposed to add search plugins (see screenshot)

These plugins make it very simple to search the site from your web browser for information.

The second one, Google sitemap integration

It should improve the search on the site through Google (and other search engines supporting the sitemaps)

This is the first concrete result of our work, and thanks for this.

A special thanks to Graham Brookins for his efforts on the use cases named above.

Let's continue in this right direction. A bit of everyone's time make it a reasonable total amount of minutes that we can spend on pushing the portal to the next level.

This team is, as the rest of the community, an open-minded group of people, welcoming more members. If you are interested in actively participating to the evolution of this portal, please drop an email at community [at] ez [dot] no.

Graham Brookins
[email protected] Team


Note: These search plugins were designed for Mozilla Firefox, they should also work with Google Chrome and any other OpenSearch compatible browser.