Blogs / team / Follow @ezcommunity to stay in touch

Follow @ezcommunity to stay in touch

Thursday 09 December 2010 2:26:40 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

As you may have noticed, since August this year the @ezcommunity Twitter account was not relaying updates of new Tutorials, Blog posts and Forum topics anymore, due to Twitter not allowing Basic authentication anymore.

The eZ Community portal was relying on the Autostatus extension (thanks Damien), which unfortunately does not support OAuth (the new authentication scheme) yet. While we should push this extension to support OAuth eventually, as a temporary solution we decided to rely on (thanks to Jérôme for the suggestion).

So, if you want to stay tuned through Twitter on

  • Forum topics (and only topics, not the replies)
  • Tutorials
  • Blog posts

you should start following

Ow, and this occasioned the creation of a new RSS feed, Forum topics ONLY (not the replies) :
It comes along with the many others ones, all listed there :

Pick the ones you like :)