Blogs / team / 2011 July 11th - Meeting minutes

2011 July 11th - Meeting minutes

Tuesday 12 July 2011 11:35:16 am

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By : Robin Muilwijk

With the summer holidays ahead the team made a nice sprint and booked good progress on the Event extension. The discussion on the Job Board feature also continues. Read the full minutes below...

Date : 2011, July 11th
Participants : Robin, Carlos, Nicolas, Paul, Thiago
Where : Skype
Previous meeting minutes 


Prior action points : status + evolution


1/ Event planner 

Status today:
Look at the screenshots for the progress update :
screenshot 1
screenshot 2

  • event list
    • Titre, description, related events (top selection)
    • Event list for the current year, or selected year (filter)
    • Auto years filter (if more of 1 year), with facetting & events count
    • Google maps markers list, with infowindow
    • Auto pagination : EventPageLimit=10
  • event
    • main fields displaying
    • google maps
    • -> Missing an auto twitter block located on the right sidemenu ? (what do u think about that ?) : i can do that
      (Robin) Need precisions on the feature imagined here
    • -> Missing an eZFlow block with 5 next coming events : i can do that
      Home page block. Cool idea.
      (Robin) to be discussed with Gilles.
    • -> Missing the "special" block with external content (lanyrd, : READ BELOW
      (Robin) Need to clarify this with him.
    • -> Missing the logged in features : Work to share between me, Steven & Paul
      Inspiration can be taken from the forums, where action buttons ( Edit, Add topic, etc. ) is displayed when a user is logged-in.

External content : Work to share between me, Steven & Paul
How to synchronize external data ?
I suggest to do not synchronize external data, i mean to do not map eZ attributes with external data, for different reasons :

  • We need "stable" main fields (titre, date start, date end), still working if the external link is broken
  • Synchronize on "update from external" is quite complex (CRON / objects update...)

So, i suggest to :

  • Use external data, only for adding "extra" information (attendees, speakers...), and only inside to FULL view

How to load & display the external data ?
We need 2 kinds of loading / displaying :

  • a server side loading (FULL view) : i suggest to load these external data using a template operator (it makes the job one time, and wait for the next viewcache expiry)
  • an AJAX loading, for the preview while editing the form (URL testing) : i suggest to call a local module (& ezjscore), and to load a template using the same template operator
  • The template operator params :
    • External URL
    • Handler (lanyrd, other)

How to parse the external datas ?

How to handle lanyrd & other tools ?

  • Steven started this point, by parsing the URL, and detect the domain name, it could work with lanyrd &, and more...
  •, for which Paul proposed his help, should go through their API.

Email Gilles, July 9th:
Extension is shared on the share SVN trunk, but for now i don't have a specific extension
I shared on Skype with Nico about that, we preferred to use the current existing extensions "community", "community_design"
The event planner doesn't need a specific generic extension, except a new possible "YQL extension" generic extension (template operator, domain handler...), read my previous mail for technical details.

Action (Nicolas): get Paul and Steven access to the SVN. We have a slight delay on giving access to Paul and Steven on SVN.
Action (Robin): sync with Steven, Gilles, Paul this week.

2/ Job Board

Brainstorm on a Job Board feature on (from the minutes taken at June 27th):
- main goal; to get people in contact for job opportunities
- for freelancers, to post availability
- to post job offers, for partners only (community/business)
- reading to everyone
- posting to the board in general also for partners only
- moderation required
- rule; anything related to ezpublish can be posted on the board (example; mysql, frontend, dba, javascript, php dev, designer, translator, services, webmasters, editors)
- no CV asked because of security/privacy
- profile example;
- Quality assessment : every company hired on a contract and being listed in the yellow pages of the eZ Community will have her "contract counter" increased by 1. The company hiring has the possibility to rate the service delivered. Possibility for the contractee to request endorsement/recommendation from the contractor.
- in a second phase we might consider supporting transactions (payment)
- in a second phase; let the party posting the job, rate the task/person who finished it (badges, reputation system etc)

Action (Nicolas) Sketch-up wireframes.

Feedback from Philippe after the meeting:
- Will we enable multi language job board ? I think it could be a good idea. For an example, national french policy post a job offer on ( )
- Will jobs be pushed to social network like twitter, facebook, g+?
- Now ezfind runs with solr3., maybe it is time to use geolocation's search for event planner and job board ?

3/ Clean-up in Participation model

(Nicolas/Robin) and need to be checked and duplicate information removed.

4/ upgrade

Complimentary note to last time : it appears that the ezupgrade extension supports 4.5 now.

5/ Misc

Reset SVN credentials for Alex (still pending, action:Nicolas).

Prioritized next steps

  1. Event planner
  2. Job Board
  3. Participation Model (final tweaks)
  4. Share/Projects Upgrade to 4.5
  5. Clean-up/revamp of

Next time

Thu Aug 25, 2011 at 20:00 CET

Side note :

To end the minutes we'd like to give you some interesting and recent links for reading:

Blog Post Discussion

2011 July 11th - Meeting minutes