Blogs / team / 2011 Feb 28th - Meeting minutes

2011 Feb 28th - Meeting minutes

Friday 04 March 2011 1:09:24 pm

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By : Robin Muilwijk

Here are the meeting minutes from the last Share Team meeting held on February the 28th. Current focus of the team is on finishing the RFC Participation model, upgrading itself, and discussing a Job Board.

Date : 2011, Feb 28th.
Participants : Robin, Carlos, Graham, Philippe, Paul
Where : Skype
(Nicolas is excused, he is sick again. Robin leads the meeting.)




Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Participation model around the Community Project

Team is asked to check the doc a final time in the next few days. Please comment through ML. RFC to be published this week. Paul prefers an aggregated post and a well written summary with the key points. This should be the case once notes and comments are removed, and it is split in separate pages.


2/ upgrade

Carlos: Worry about old API calls, like templateini, we are on 4.2 and making use of deprecated functions/calls. Graham’s problems were solved, docs are ready for review by Nicolas. Nicolas also needs to make a new decision on a new branch or not, in the community repo.
C.R. The idea is to work in another branch, so we can add new functions calls (eZTemplate::factory(), ezpIi18n::tr ) to the extensions. if we do it in trunk, probably someone can update them accidentally, and this functions are not defined in the actual ez publish version (4.2). No further problems for Carlos or Graham, upgrade is moving ahead according to plan.


3/ Other points

Team is asked to think about the Job Board, this will be our next item with Part. Doc soon to be published and Upgrade moving ahead according to plan.
- Carlos, Graham and Robin think a Job Board should be integrated into, not a separate site.
- Define scope of such a board, only job offers, or also allow people to post CV’s?
- Action, Robin: start discussion on ML about this, Job Board


Prioritized next steps

  1. Participation Model
  2. Upgrading to 4.4
  3. Job Board
  4. Clean-up/revamp of

Action list

  1. Everyone, check participation doc a final time, to be published this week!
  2. Nicolas, review documents from Graham and Carlos with regards to share upgrade
  3. Nicolas, decide on using a branch for the upgrade work on share, see note C.R. above
  4. Robin, post a message on the mailing list, starting discussion on a Job Board

Next time

March 14th, 21:00 GM+1 (Paris time)


Side note :

-Last weeks hot items in the community were a request for comments on the community edition release policy, see Every ones feedback is welcome!
Also a new process for Localization of eZ, at There are a few weeks left to finish your translations. And of course, the 4.5 Beta 1 release,

Blog Post Discussion

2011 Feb 28th - Meeting minutes