Blogs / team / 2010 sept 1st - Meeting minutes

2010 sept 1st - Meeting minutes

Thursday 02 September 2010 9:58:22 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

We gathered yesterday evening on skype for a tad more than one hour. Here is what happened, read on.

Date : 2010, sept. 1st.
Participants : Graham, Paul, Robin, Philippe, Thiago, Zurgutt, Nicolas, Carlos
Where : skype

Round of presentation of new members

Carlos, Thiago, Jérôme, Philippe.


Agenda :

Back-look on the past months

  • new : first big team-realization. Some fine-tuning left.
  • new team members and commits. Bugs, enhancements & front-end optimization

Addressing the mobile question : apps / mobile versions
Remark : ezoe not working in webkit mobile browsers.
Content reading first, then creation.
Using RSSes & notifications in the first round, then moving to a mobile contribution interface or apps.

The Community Project

Step 1 : establishing governance. A draft proposal will soon be shared with the broad community
Robin/Zurgutt : licence of the Enterprise Edition ? Joomla experience : GPL is very viral, caution on this, having non-GPL extensions on top of a GPL kernel may be problematic.

Look ahead

Looking ahead on new projects, gather ideas, prioritize and draft an action plan.
Ideas so far :

  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4
  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4 (details below)
  • Migrating the old contribs sections to (details below)
  • Clean-up projects (details below)
  • Merging projects and share.
    Robin : ex from Joomla : visual identity is the same, platforms are different. Visual integration of both platforms, eZ Find in the middle, and extending features --> a real forge !
  • Adding a job board to
    Start from scratch (Zurgutt). Thiago points to
  • Simple process for team-reviewing tutorial proposals
    Paul : use eZ Publish features to do this, using object states for reviewing. Requires guidance on web edition. Subject overflowing to next meeting

Decisions taken

Meeting every two weeks

Set a fixed time ahead every two weeks. Tools : skype calls, physical meetings. Inbetween meetings : send out the agenda before and discuss it (team mailing-list soon migrated to Google groups, will be used as forum/email tool), so that those who can not attend can give their input.

Prioritized actions

  1. Migrating the old contribs section ( ) to
    iMacros extension for firefox is a possible tool. Other tracks to be explored, discussion on the team ML about operational details.
  2. Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).
    Should an existing feature become an impediment for migrating, if judged useless it will be removed. Adding features is not the priority at this point. Some ideas were proposed for after the migration, see above.
  3. Cleaning-up
    This means making it easier to find a project, based on search criteria : - eZ Publish version compatibility - Feedback received (implies revamping the Review interface so that a review can be added in 1 click and a few words) - Add an issue tracker per project - “Archive” projects which became obsolete (not maintained, feature natively supported)

Agenda for next time (14/09 - 21:00 Paris time - also known as CET mostly)

  • Moving translation process to using GIT
  • Access to Documentation : how to improve ? Need a discussion on “licensing” as well (see ezpedia)
  • : needs love and safeguarding
  • Simple process for team-reviewing tutorial proposals

Blog Post Discussion

2010 sept 1st - Meeting minutes