Blogs / team / 2010 Nov 22nd - Meeting minutes

2010 Nov 22nd - Meeting minutes

Monday 22 November 2010 12:38:47 pm

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By : Robin Muilwijk

Hot off the press, our bi-weekly meeting minutes. The team's focus for the upcoming two weeks will be on upgrading to eZ 4.4 and the participation model around the community project. Your attention is asked on pubsvn which is closing soon, and a survey by researchers, see the side notes at the bottom.


Date : 2010, Nov. 22nd.
Participants : Robin, Thiago, Graham, Philippe, Nicolas, Carlos
Where : skype

Previous meeting minutes are found here.




Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Migrating the old contribs section

5-liner blog post to recall people they can :

  • claim for ownership on migrated projects
  • ask for removal of old projects of theirs.

2/ Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).

Nicolas could not move ahead on that one.
Blog post announcing the upgrade + maintenance time : due Tues. 23rd.
Upgrade run on Tues. 30th.

3/ : needs love and safeguarding

Accompanying people in using github seems to be the best option. This means that the SVN mirror of eZ Publish’s repo will not be restored, and the team and eZ employees should lend a hand on that topic.
A screencast could (should ?) come with the tutorial.
No feedback from the broad community about this repository : . Decision is made to :

  1. make an export of this repository and archive it in a safe place
  2. close it down

4/ Cleaning-up

The pre-requisites for this are completing the upgrade to 4.4.

5/ Participation model around the Community Project

A digest of all input so far was made by Nicolas, and a first skeleton of document was proposed.
Commitment : proposing the RFC to the community before the next meeting.


New topics

  • Job Board ?
  • Event planner. Should include corporate eZ events, and give the possibility to “register” or RSVP to an event.

Overflown from last time :

  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4
  • Moving translation process to using GIT
  • Access to Documentation : how to improve ? Need a discussion on “licensing” as well (see ezpedia)

Prioritized next steps

1/ Upgrading
2/ Participation Model : proposing the RFC to the community before the next meeting
3/ Closing the topis (DNS switch left)


Next time

Monday December 6th 2010, 20:00 GMT+1


Side note :

Three researchers, Robin, Paul and Bjørn-Tore have contacted our community. They will be surveying us and will share back tips and tricks (amongst others) to help our community to the next level. Be sure to read:

Blog Post Discussion

2010 Nov 22nd - Meeting minutes