Blogs / eZ / eZ Publish documentation - what's next?

eZ Publish documentation - what's next?

Wednesday 20 April 2011 1:49:21 am

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By : Geir Arne Waaler

The eZ Publish documentation has always been a shared effort with many different contributors putting word on word, code snippet on code snippet. Slowly it has evolved into what it is today, an information highway. The standards and quality of this highway can and should be discussed, and it can surely only be evaluated by its users.

eZ Systems would like to open up for more discussion and feedback from eZ documentation users. Indeed eZ Systems would like to see a community effort towards the documentation in a different and much larger scale than today. We are still discussing the form of this new type of collaboration and at this point I only wish to get your opinions on this. But we are discussing rewards, competitions, prices, paying for services ..... I will keep you updated on the progress.

Jaroslaw Heba at eZ Support took this "springy" picture!


Feedback please!

What form could such a collaboration take? What is the most important thing we could do to the documentation? What are the weak spots? Do we miss some information? Is the language too technical? Not technical enough?

Please be specific with your feedback!

We will push on with the planning of this new collaboration, and will come back soon with more information/channels for collaboration.

Best regards
Geir Arne Waaler
eZ Documentation


Commenting and FAQ

Note 1: We regret the closing of commenting on our documentation pages. We are working on ways to avoid the spamming and hope to open up this very valuable feedback channel as soon as possible.
Note 2: The community have requested a FAQ for the documentation pages. Indeed I have started work on this and I am open to comments/suggestions on that topic as well!"