Blogs / eZ / Community Track at the eZ Conference, Berlin, June 24th & 25th

Community Track at the eZ Conference, Berlin, June 24th & 25th

Tuesday 15 June 2010 10:28:52 am

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By : Nicolas Pastorino

A few days before the largest event of the year in the eZ Ecosystem, here is an update on what will happen during the Community Track at the eZ Conference 2010, in Berlin on june 24th and 25th.

[ Thursday ] [ Friday ] [ Feature & Bug Roulette ] [ Free 4.3 certification ] [ Live on TV ]

While the Partner Day will take place on Wednesday 23rd of June, the 24th and 25th will be broken down into three tracks. All details on the Web Content Management and Digital Media tracks here, we will focus on the Community Track here.


Tutorial day - Thursday, June 24th


June 24th at 10.00am

The eZ Community now

By: Nicolas Pastorino, Community Manager at eZ Systems

Consultant and trainer on eZ Publish from 2005 to 2008, first in Norway then for eZ Western Europe, he then joined the Product Management and Engineering teams in 2009, working on bridging them together. He now takes care of the eZ Publish Community (35 000+ members), intensifying, growing and structuring it.


June 24th at 10.40am

eZ Find optimized usage and Solr tuning

By: Paul Borgermans, Domain Leader Extensions at eZ Systems

Paul joined the eZ ecosystem in 2001 during the early days of eZ Publish 2.x. After playing an important role as avid community member, client and contributor, he got the first honorary award at the 2006 eZ Conference. Since 2007, he joined Systems itself assuming various roles in the further development of eZ Publish and its extensions.


June 24th at 11.20am

About e-mail marketing - Using CJW Newsletter

By: Ekkehard Dörre, Expert Consultant at CJW

Owner of full service internet agency with focus on e-commerce, social media, corporate sites with eZ Publish, eZ Find, cjw Newsletter


June 24th at 3.00pm

eZ Find customization, real-life examples

By: Gilles Guirand, Technology Director at Kaliop

Gilles Guirand is a certified eZ Publish Developper. He is widely acknowledged by the community to be one of the national experts on highly technical and complex eZ Publish issues. With over 12 years experience in designing complex web architectures, he has been the driving force behind some of the most ambitious eZ Publish Projects: Web Site Generators, HighAvailability, Widgets, SOA, eZ Find, SSO, Web Accessibility and IT systems Integrations.


June 24th at 3.40pm

Opening up eZ Engineering / GIT

By: Owen Fraser Green, Deputy VP of Engineering at eZ Systems

Owen is assistant VP of Engineering at eZ Systems after joining eZ in August 2009 currently based in the Oslo office and focused on managing development. He has 14 years experience in software as a developer, architect and manager.


June 24th at 4.20pm

3 use cases for eZ Find

By: Ivo Lukac, Co-owner and IT architect at Netgen, Zagreb, Croatia

Ivo has 6 years of experience using eZPublish, eZFind, PHP and Varnish for complex web projects like e-commerce and large corporate sites, intranet solutions, government portals and similar.


June 24th from 5.00pm on - Barcamp

Already proposed topics :

  •, presenting one of their extensions
  • eZ Upgrade - Netmaking

Should you have any topic you would like to discuss during the barcamp, feel free to propose it as comment under this post.


Feature & Bug Roulette - Thursday, June 24th

You guys + eZ Engineers teaming-up
+ a list of features to implement
+ a list of bugs to fix
+ a dedicated room
+ a timeslot (11:00 to 17:00 on thursday)
+ a roulette
+ coffee
= the Feature & Bug Roulette

Rank the features, propose ones, and propose bugs for this day : The Feature & Bug Roulette.


Talks day - Friday, June 25th


June 25th at 10.00am

Industrializing eZ Publish project development

By: Jérôme Vieilledent, eZ Publish Expert at SQLI

Jérôme is a completely self-educated web developer. He learnt PHP all by himself and started developing with eZ Publish in 2007. He is eZ Publish certified and now works as a technical manager and expert at SQLi Agency in Paris.


June 25th at 10.40am

The eZ Publish API, ideas, open discussion

By: Ole Marius Smestad, Domain Leader eZ Publish at eZ Systems

Ole Marius joined eZ Systems in 2005. He holds a master of technology from the the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He is currently serving as domain leader for eZ Publish.


June 25th at 11.20am

eZ Cluster unleashed

By: Bertrand Dunogier, Software engineer at eZ Systems

Bertrand Dunogier has been working for eZ systems since 2006, first as a senior consultant, and starting from 2009 as a software engineer, working towards improving eZ Publish, its extensions and services.


Free Certification Session - Friday 25th 15:00

A free 4.3 certification session will be held from 15:00 on, on friday. If you want to participate, please register here :


Live streaming

EDIT : all details on the live-streaming and more :

Just like it was done for the Winter Conference in Geneva, January this year, this Community Track will be streamed live. More on this later, stay tuned !


For those of you who would like to participate to the Partner Day, make sure you are either Business Partner, or Community Partner. As well, participation to the eZ Conference requires registration, all details on this page : Registration.

tag your tweets with #ezconf